Why Young Living?
Young Living is your easy button for trusted toxin free household and personal care products, and essential oils. They have the highest standards in the industry. Their promise and our story are below.
Seed to Seal Promise
How & Why we went all natural
My personal story is that I started out eating REAL food for one of my kiddo’s sake, and it had immediate results so I wanted more! I started looking into the ingredients in all of our household and personal care products and started doing research to see what these ingredients could potentially be doing to our bodies. I was disturbed! Doing your own research and looking up the potential dangers of the ingredients in your products is something that may be a little scary to do, but I highly recommend it!
The ingredient fragrance or perfume are in a LOT of household and personal care products, even the ones that are labeled “Natural” or “Green” and looking this word up will make you stop and think. Since my family and I have chosen to ditch products with toxins and synthetic fragrance in them, we have seen such amazing results in our health! We are very thankful that Young Living has such an easy, fun, and cost effective way to replace traditional products! Come and join us above the wellness line! I’d love to help you get there!
Statements regarding Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care provider before using these products.